A message from the IFA Team

Following the advice from Public Health England and the Football Association we have taken the difficult decision to suspend all face-to-face IFA activity. However, our staff team are working to support our student-athletes to provide an alternative ‘virtual’ timetable of activities during these unprecedented times and while we are all asked to socially-distance ourselves. For example, we will provide live-streamed Strength and Conditioning sessions for our student-athletes that can be done during isolation in their own homes.
For those students who have already applied or want to apply to join the IFA programme next season, we are working closely with Loughborough College and University, who in turn are working with The Department for Education and other governing bodies. We appreciate this is an unsettling time for anyone looking at going to university next year but we are still planning that everyone can start this September as originally planned. If you have any questions or want any advice please do not hesitate to contact us.
We want to reach out to our local community in these difficult times. Together with our partners, Loughborough Student’s Futsal Club, we are offering to help those who are quarantined or cannot get out to get their food or medical supplies. If you know of anyone in need within Loughborough please contact us on [email protected].
We hope that one day soon we will all regain normality to our everyday lives, but in the meantime we hope you and your loved ones stay safe.
The IFA Team